What I Help With
Relationship Trauma
Trauma therapy in Portland, Oregon
Opening up to a therapist about trauma that occurred in an intimate relationship can be vulnerable in a unique way.
Our intimate partnerships are often the places where our messiest selves show up, and also the place where we feel the most pressure to keep up appearances and look like a happy couple.
Unpacking all that in therapy is hard. You may feel confusion or shame about the role you played in your traumatic relationship, or angry at yourself for not ending things sooner.
At the same time, you know that the baggage you carry from that relationship (or relationships, multiple) is holding you back.
You may be noticing that memories or emotions are intruding onto your connection with a current partner, making it difficult to see things clearly.
Or you might worry about taking the risk of even pursuing a new relationship, for fear of repeating the same pattern – struggling to trust yourself with the risk of really opening up to someone again.
I’ve seen a lot, and you’re unlikely to shock me with whatever memories, behaviors, or feelings you bring to the table.
As we work with your relationship trauma together, I will walk alongside you with non-judgment, a commitment to honesty, and a belief in the best in you. When we emerge from the process, you will find yourself approaching current and future relationships from a more even-keeled and empowered place.